Scipher.Fx | Power Forecasting

Comprehensive wind and solar PV power forecasting

Software product that helps renewable asset farm owners, operators, and power traders make better informed decisions.

Product Highlights

Advanced user interface to visualize and analyze forecast accuracy 

Direct real-time data ingestion from Vestas turbines for worldclass day-ahead, intraday, and longer-term accuracy

Forecasts power output by combining turbine metadata, global Numerical Weather Prediction models, and historical data

Computes accuracy using standard metrics: 


Ability to include maintenance schedules to adjust power forecasts 

Forecast data delivered via sFTP/FTP/email, at user-defined intervals 

Short-Term Power Forecasting

Short-term (5-minute ahead) power forecasting service by Utopus Insights allows renewable power producers to do Self Forecasts in Australia for the National Electricity Market (NEM) with far greater certainty, reducing the amount of Frequency Control Ancillary Services (FCAS) to be supplied to the grid, and lowering cost-prohibitive penalties. This opens up the opportunity for more renewable energy to flow into a more stable electric grid.

Using our forecasting service, power producers can submit 5-minute ahead Dispatch Forecasts in addition to ANEMOS Dispatch Forecasts. This enables the output of semi-scheduled generators to be closer to offers in the National Electricity Market Dispatch Engine (NEMDE). 

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